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imitate image imitate the image but the image is silent imitated images don't know what to say silent we don't speak but communicate in a large range of symbols imitated from the images around us So to speak we turn a book loaded with words, sentences, inundates the million brain-cells to copy the book we write we copy but we don't speak when we tell about the impression made by the book we tell about the impression -- to get an impression you have to read it our images sing or advertise we sing along tell each other about cheap offers, new consumer goods. in the privacy of our room our lips whisper the lines of songs we know them by heart no way we whisper them to our closest friends we speak about others we prefer to speak about others we imitate we prefer to imitate originality isolates we imitate and are alike speak about others like us and stay alike this way

Bottle and fishes 1910 - Georges Braque

Bottle wine glass and Fruit bowl - Juan Gris

Fernand Léger - Composition